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Yoo Bock Lee 3 Articles
Original Article
A Study of the Liver Biopsies in Infancy and Childhood.
Mea Young Chung, Ki Sup Chung, Chan Il Park, Yoo Bock Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(7):656-668.   Published online July 31, 1982
To investigate the liver diseases affecting infancy and Childhood and to make a clinicopathologic correlation, a total of 105 liver biopsies were examined and following results were obtained. 1. Of the 105 liver biopsies, 94 cases were available for the study, and the male to female ratio of liver biopsies in infancy and childhood was 1.8 : 1. 2. Of...
Studies on the Fat Content and Distribution in the Lungs of Neonatal Death.
Hai Kyung Lee, Tai Seung Kim, Chul Kyu Kim, Yoo Bock Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1978;21(2):98-105.   Published online February 28, 1978
Intrauterine respiratory movements were speculated from the ancient time, and numerous studies were carried out both in human and animal experiments. Results of these studies suggested that intrauterine respiratory movement exist regularly and there is free flow of amniotic fluid into fetal lung during the fetal life. Amniotic fluid contains desqumated epithelial cells, lanugo, and vernix caseosa. Thus, when the...
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Jae Seung Lee, Chang Joon Ko, Duk Jin Yun, Yoo Bock Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1972;15(4):326-331.   Published online April 30, 1972
Hemolytic-Uremic syndrome is a relatively new disease found in infants rather than in older children. The incidence of this disease has increased in recent years. Hemolytic-Uremic syndrome is a fatal illness characterized clinically by acute renal failure, thromboc- ytopenia and hemolytic anemia associated with distorted erythrocytes (Burr cells). A case of Hemolytic-Uremic syndrome in a 10 months old male patient diagnosed in 1970, the...
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